All Around #11
Delivering Confidence:
Can technology expand scope of safe operations?
Dr. Ing. Markus Demmler, Senior Director Qatar Integrated Railway Project
Grand Paris Express:
A ground breaking visionary mission
Thierry Dallard, Chairman of the management board Société du Grand Paris
Dominique Perrault, Architect Dominique Perrault Architecture
Fully committed support:
How can services enhance on-site momentum?
Prof. Harald Kopp, Professor of industrial engineering and management, Furtwangen University

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Herrenknecht at bauma 2019
take a virtual tour through our booths
Safer operations
Herrenknecht demonstrated over 400 functions and features of tunnelling machines and specific applications, which ensure safety for people, the environment, budgets and above-ground topology. With clients and contractors constantly moving into new terrain underground, Herrenknecht also provides concept insights for the latest features and functions in particularly challenging tunnel missions.
Smoother missions
Excellent operational service support in all project phases is a matter of course for Herrenknecht. As part of a digital service platform, Herrenknecht is therefore currently developing an e-maintenance tool and an e-shop for spare and wear parts.
Mega projects
200 kilometers of track, four new, fully automated metro lines with 68 stations and seven technical centers – the Grand Paris Express is currently the largest inner-city infrastructure project in Europe. To date, 12 contractors have ordered 19 project-specific tunnel boring machines and one Vertical Shaft Sinking Machine (VSM) from Herrenknecht.
Group Brands
As world market leader, Herrenknecht offers a complete product portfolio in mechanized tunnelling technology. The Group Brands booth presented individual solutions, complementary equipment and services provided by highly specialized subsidiaries.
At the Herrenknecht Mining booth visitors from the mining sector could discuss the latest excavation technologies in that field with their colleagues. Whether for vertical access or production shafts, inclined vehicle access ramps, ventilation shafts or transport routes, Herrenknecht technology is designed for smallest and largest diameters and can reach depths of up to 2,000 meters.
Outside booth
In the open-air area north, Herrenknecht presented its technology live. Visitors could explore the latest machines and watch them in action.

Well done!
"Every Bauma is something special. However, 2019 has topped everything for Herrenknecht."
Dr.- Ing. E.h. Martin Herrenknecht
Bauma Innovation award 2019
Herrenknecht AG received the bauma Innovation Award 2019 in the Machine Category for its innovative E-Power Pipe® installation method.
See you at bauma 2022
We look forward to seeing you at bauma 2022 (April 4th to 10th in Munich)
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All around online magazine
Die Mining-Experten der Nezhinsky Mine in Belarus schreiben ein neues Kapitel im Mining-Geschichtsbuch mit einer neuartigen Schachtbohr-Technologie.
MehrBuilding up down under
Zukunftsweisende Infrastrukturen erleben in Australien und Neuseeland Hochkonjunktur. Erfahren Sie mehr über innovatives Traffic- und Utility-Tunnelling in Ozeanien.
mehrHerrenknecht at bauma
Herrenknecht presented its extensive portfolio at four booths demonstrating where the journey in tunnelling is going.
MoreTogether in every dimension
Mit maschineller Tunnelvortriebstechnik von Herrenknecht entstehen unterirdische Infrastrukturprojekte für die Welt von morgen.
Entlang der Lebensader Pipeline. In jedem Terrain.
Toughe Schlüsselstellen effizient unterqueren.
Ambitionierte Vortriebe in rauen Umgebungen erfordern taffe Prozesse und herausragende Performance.
Internationale Championship-Allianz realisiert in Doha in Rekordzeit ein Metrotunnelprojekt der Spitzenklasse
Der Wiedereinsatz bewährter Premium-Technik setzt professionelles Remanufacturing voraus. Das eröffnet neue Potentiale für unsere Industrie
mehrConnecting Continents
Echtes Teamwork und Hightech von Herrenknecht bringen Asien und Europa unter dem Meer zusammen
mehrHerrenknecht All Around ist das digitale Magazin des Herrenknecht Konzerns. In unseren Online-Ausgaben liefern Reporter und Fotografen spannende und aktuelle Geschichten aus der globalen Welt des maschinellen Tunnelbaus.
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