Quality is not negotiable
The actual remanufacturing process is highly complex. All components to be rebuilt, from the main bearing to the hydraulic pump, are taken apart down to the smallest unit and are individually cleaned. The reman experts at Herrenknecht then check the prepared parts with special equipment such as endoscopes and laser measuring devices for any deviations from the original condition. Every seal is checked, welds are examined by ultrasound and penetration test. This way, even the finest cracks can be identified.
“Nothing is hidden from us,” says Olivier Kraft. “We are not talking about random sample tests, we are talking about hundred percent testing.” When the specialists from the reman plant find something, they have to decide: can the flaw be remedied – or must the part be disposed of? What passes the strict test is rebuilt in the next step, updated to the latest technical standards and modified for the next deployment according to customer needs. Finally, the individual parts are reassembled into components and tested again in full.
Each remanufactured component must be able to withstand market comparisons with new parts. “When it comes to quality we make no compromises in remanufacturing. Premium remains premium,” says chief engineer Werner Burger. “After the process, each individual part must be at least as good as a new one. Safety and reliability are not negotiable in our business underground.” Consequently, Herrenknecht provides the full guarantee for all components “Remanufactured by Herrenknecht”.